Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Blog Introduction

This is not me lol.

My name is Shayquon Wherry. I am a Senior, Business Administration major here at Claflin University. I like the color pink, coffee, and music. My hometown is Rock Hill, SC but during the school year, I live in Orangeburg. I WILL be graduating from Claflin University on May 13,2017 at the Seventh Day Adventist Center here in Orangeburg.Senior-ita is a blog diary about my struggles as a Senior in college.Throughout my matriculation at Claflin, I have dealt with late nights and early mornings relying on caffeine and Jesus, been selected for various leadership committees and even become a Campus Queen, and met friends and frenemies who will change my college experience forever. Follow me while I go to grad school tours, my last homecoming as an undergrad, dating in college and many more campus special events. Each week I will post a weekly reflection, vlogs on my senior experience, and my best tips for underclassmen students.