Friday, November 4, 2016

Dating in College SUCKS & I Really Hate Cuffing Season

I have a confession! Being a single in college kind of sucks. Even though finding a significant other shouldn't be one of my main priorities right now, I can't help but ask myself  "Why am I still single?" Why do I have to wait so long to meet my "Mr. Right?" What's the secret to getting "Cuffed?" I might sound a little cheesy right now, but I'm being real! .It's so annoying, yet funny at the same time because while you're so working hard to get your college degree you start desiring that someone you can hopefully share your life with.  We see the graduation pics or graduation proposals ever year talking about #GOALS. Like I didn't come to college to find bae! I came to college so I could get a higher education, start a better life for me and my future family, and have a career that I actually love waking up to. That's #Goals! And then if that's not enough the men that you start liking at your college either have some serious issues or their still soul searching and trying figure out if they want still want to be a grown boy or a grown man. I told myself before I even came to college that I don't care about dating anyone and now I care. My college campus is very small so it's hard not to run into the same people everyday. Another reason why I would rather wait until after graduation to meet someone.

The thing with me is if I am dating you I am dating you because I see my future in you. Not just some short-term fling or for convenience. I see you not just as my future baby daddy (I hate that word) but as my potential life partner, best friend, helpmeet, and soul mate. College only lasts four years (five or six if you're a super senior. lol) and after that we are officially out in the real world trying to survive on our own, paying bills, and striving to make something good out of ourselves. When I was younger I used to date because I wanted somebody. Someone to walk around and take cute pictures with. Today, I only date if that special person compliments me, and not to complete me. I don't  know if some men my age feel the same way as I do but that's how I feel. Don't tell me we're just talking or you're looking for some support. Go somewhere else with that because I have serious intentions and I don't play with people's emotions like that. 

How do you handle dating in college? Is it effective or just plain complicated? Let me know in the comments below!

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